Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update 17 Week (see video below)

The twins are now 17 weeks old can you believe it? Time flies by so fast, it has been forever since we have updated our blog. Please forgive us if you have come to check it out and there has been nothing to read or see. We hope the video we made will make up for our lack of making time to keep up with this.

This past month was exciting as we were able to take our family to Utah for the first time. We left on a Friday afternoon and stayed two days at Mike’s mom and dad’s house. It all worked out great as Mike’s best friend Brandon was being sealed to his little boy Cole. For those of you who do not know Brandon and his wife Trish were blessed to adopt a baby boy last March just a few months after we had been blessed with the acceptance of our adoption. Mike and Brandon always seemed to do things together, they were blessed the same way with children. Kind of ironic in such a sweet way. They were sealed that Saturday October 10, 2009 at the Salt Lake Temple. It was the first time we had the privilege to attend a sealing other than marriage ceremonies. There was such a sweet spirit and little Cole just looked at the sealer and smiled at him through the whole thing. It brought a tear to our eyes as we will have the same opportunity in a few months from now. It is amazing how blessed we all are to have children, no matter how they come into our homes. It is Heavenly Father’s plan and we are blessed.

Later that night we had all of our immediate family and extended family over to meet the twins. It was a fun night as everyone was so happy to see them and spend a few minutes with them. The twins could not have done better. They just got passed around and never seemed to complain to much. They even slept great in the pack and plays almost as if they were at home.

We seem to have the twins on a great schedule as they have been sleeping through the night for the past month or so. Most of the time sleeping 9-11 hours at night. It is almost hard to remember all those nights of no sleep a few short months ago. They have started to become more and more alert and love to smile and laugh. They love to look at each other and talk to each other. They will look at us for a minute then right back at each other. We have heard twins will do that and develop their own language and for sure this is the case.

The twins have their own personalities it is so fun to see the differences. They are so beautiful inside and out. Hadley has since day one been our little spitfire. She already has this cute sassy attitude and we can tell she will give us a run for our money. Mike always gets worried when she cries wanting to fix it right away. She is so fun and has the biggest smiles and just loves to talk and talk with us. Cohen on the other hand is mister relaxation. He has the sweetest and most calm personality. He just lays there with his eyes wide open looking right at you. He never seems to get fussy unless he is way overdue to eat. He loves to be tickled under his arms and laughs so loud as you do it. It is so funny in the morning when they wake up. Hadley wakes up crying and Cohen does not make a peep, in fact if we did not go in the room we would not even know he was awake. We love them both for who they are and enjoy everyday as we watch them change and grow.

We want to thank all of you who have been so helpful and so thoughtful during this new phase of life for us. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family and wonderful friends who we know we can count on anytime. This world is so ugly and it is nice to know that we have surrounded ourselves with such good people.

We hope you enjoy our latest pictures, we will get back soon…….


Kimberlee said...

Hi Guys...oh they are so cute! I have been wondering how you were doing! That is neat you got a "preview" of what your sealing will be like. I cut off my train and made My girls sealing dress, so that they were in the same thing I was in when I was sealed to their daddy!! We still need to get together sometime! Glad things are going so well! I know you must hear this...but as in many adoptions...they truly look like you!!!

christie said...

CUTE new pictures of the twins. So fun to see them getting bigger (even though I cannot believe they are already that big... time flies). They both have the most beautiful bright eyes!