Saturday, December 11, 2010

Office Party December 10, 2010

For our annual Christmas party at Mike's office we rented a limo and surprised the team with a ride to Chandler Mall for lunch at Benihana. Then we sent the group in two teams to do a shopping scavenger hunt. It was a blast. These women are competitive for sure. The winning team will get lunch on the office and got to keep the remaining money not spent during the hunt. We had a gift exchange on the ride back to the office. It was a great time. Mike has a great group of people he works with and is very blessed to have them. Thanks to all of you for another great year......

Winning Team, Tara, Liz, Joan, Tanya, Elva

Gotta love the gifts we made them search for, including: 1 french fry, pair of underwear with orange on them, christmas socks, pictures wearing christmas sweaters, and auntie anns preztels.

Losing Team, Judy, Jamie, Sheila, Henrie, Chris and Becca

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